
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Chase

 Your Beauty and Love chase after me every day of my life. Psalm 23:6 (MSG)

Wow!  It has almost been a complete year since I have publicly posted anything here.  A lot has transpired during this time, however I am excited for the release to be able to share with you today!  I woke up this morning with God's Love on my heart, and how He chases us down with His Love! 

It is simply amazing (and freeing) to know that I do not have to chase Him, and that He is forever chasing me!  His Love never fails!  Once you truly grasp that, then you will understand that you do not have to strive.  You do not have to keep trying or working hard for God's Love.  Once you experience this, then you will be free to just be you.

Yes, I know that it is so hard to understand how God can love you just the way you are.  Paul said it best when he said,"O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 7:24, 25)
Yes, it is through The Son that we receive this infallible Love.  It is not for us to try to understand, it is just simply given through His Grace.  We can spend the rest of our lives trying to figure this out, but what good is that going to do for us?  We will never be able to figure out God, because He is God!  Simple and plain.  

He chooses who He wishes to choose.  Our minds are not even capable of understanding His Ways or His Thoughts.  So today, choose to Just Be.  Simply Be who He has designed you to be.  No more striving.

Striving means: to Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something and/or to Struggle or fight vigorously.  No more struggling against Him.  Be free on today.  Freed by His Love!

Father, I just want to thank You for Your Love.  Even when we do not understand how or why God, we still trust You.  Lord, I pray that this reaches down deep in whoever stumbles across this message.  I pray that they will begin to see that there is no need for them to work for Your Love, but that it is just freely given.  We were all created for a Purpose; created out of Love, and I pray that each of us begin to embrace this even more in Jesus' Name.  Amen.


  1. I was just reflecting on Sundays worship. In awe yet a little confused, wondering wow God! He chose a goofy guy like me to lead his people into worship! Knowing He chases us with love and then pours out an anointing is breathtaking! He allows us to live in Him through His eyes.. could go on forever. Thank you for the chase Lord!

  2. Glad you're back blogging. It's much needed. Congrats!
